You can not get pregnant from a “facial”*
*A “facial”, in this context, is when a man ejaculates on his partner’s face.
That having been said, cucumber salt scrub is also incapable of making a woman pregnant.
Plus, you shouldn’t eat it on your salad, no matter how good it smells.
Live and learn.
Explanation for why you can’t get pregnant from a facial:
Sperm are not distance swimmers. The journey from your face, down your body, into your vagina, and then up through your cervix and into your uterus is simply beyond their endurance. It doesn’t even matter if you get semen in your mouth – there’s no direct connection to where they’d need to go to make you pregnant, and they’d never survive the journey through your stomach if there was. Sperm do not like acid. Given that the normal pH of the vagina is a moderately acidic 4, it takes all the buffering power of the semen for the sperm to survive long enough to make you pregnant as it is!
To quote one of my favorite pieces of science writing…
“Ascending the female genital tract… may be likened for the male gamete to a dramatic suicidal epos”-F.C. Chretien in “The Saga of Human Spermatazoa Throughout the Jungle of the Female Genital Tract.